
"Last" - poetry by Roshan James, Wellesley, Ontario, Canada

Text: I almost didn’t recognize The small voice, whispering At the edge of new things, wavering But, in the slow split of a random second, I recognized the familiar sigh As my own fear’s Last attempt

Forsaken parts

"Forsaken parts" - poetry by Roshan James, Wellesley, Ontario, Canada

Text: I don’t know why I wasn’t able to keep you away From the fires blazing In the places I don’t seek anymore Where destruction and love coexist Infinitely inseparable And it scares me to a thrill To see you warming your hands over the flames Drawing me back to these forsaken parts Where we […]


"Fear" poetry by Roshan James, Wellesley, Ontario, Canada

Text: It left me Hoarse and confused With only the unrecognizable Rough and raspy remnants Of my former fluency Pouring mournful into everything My voice, the one I call my own Lost in panicked howling From fear of missing the moon


"Onward" poetry by Roshan James, Wellesley, Ontario, Canada

Text: We could try To stay anchored And hold onto our presence Foolishly grasping at the tail of each instant But I’d rather fill my sails With countless fear-free moments Harnessing the gales of passing time To pull my horizon-chasing ship onward In search of revelations And the magnificent unknown Leaving behind a trail of […]

Why we resist

"Why we resist" poetry by Roshan James, Wellesley, Ontario, Canada

Text: Trying something new isn’t easy After fast-forwarding through the unknown It requires sacrifice Taking a bit of what you know Some of the old comfort And trading it forward For a minutely-shifted version of yourself Just different enough to be unfamiliar Needing that extra ounce of effort To bring the mirror-image back into focus […]


"Unreckoned" poetry by Roshan James, Kitchener Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Text: I am the deep, dark waters The tide pulling from the shore I am the moon’s reflection Broken Shimmering over I am salted drops For the horizon unclaimed And a roar on these chasmed lips I am the terror of sinking below And the riptide unreckoned

Fear redeemed

"Fear redeemed" poetry by Roshan James, Kitchener Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

Text:   Fear that once held me close No longer holds me tightly As I loosened my grip he dropped my hand And it was briefly unnerving to face the unknown Without the finger-locked clasp of my friendly foe And though he will take me back without a word Who can forget the courage of […]