A quiet Christmas

A Christmas wish

It’s a quiet moment in our house. A rare piece of time especially given the chaotic couple of weeks we’ve had with varying degrees of cold and flu, and emotional ups and downs. I’m thankful that I have no more errands to run for the next few days, thankful that my babies are playing around […]

Do you have some words to spare?

Send a message of hope and support to the homeless mothers at Marillac Place.

Being a parent is a tough job in so many colourful ways. And it sometimes draws out words that are equally colourful. For instance, when my 2.5 year old daughter decided to run down the street this morning as I was buckling my son into his car seat, I muttered a few choice words. Thankfully, […]

What does hope look like? A lot of laundry.

As I sort, wash, photograph and catalog all the clothing donations from Dress Them In Hope….I’m not gonna lie….it does get a bit tedious. I took a break this afternoon to look through some of the pics that we took from our Dress Them In Hope launch weekend (Nov 30 and Dec 1), and it really […]

DIY: Holiday newspaper craft – success at last!

Finally!! After two previously documented attempts, and a few really miserable undocumented tries, I finally figured out how to create something that I don’t mind hanging in my house. The challenge was to create something that looks magazine-ready, using newspaper and flyers. The beauty about this particular craft is that it only took 20 minutes […]

A simple Christmas and Hanukkah – is it possible?

Our family Hanukkah celebration, December 2011

For the past few years, I find myself saying the same thing, “This year, we’re going to keep things really low-key.” This is mostly because our wallets have been pretty lean compared to pre-baby days, and I’ve been either pregnant or on maternity leave since circa 2009. And yet, every year, I cave and buy […]

DIY: Holiday newspaper craft – Take 2

Fold a flyer into a cone shape and secure with tape (not glue).

Who doesn’t love a festive Christmas hat? Especially one made from upcycled Holiday flyers? My daughter, that’s who. This is the second post in my mini-series about finding the perfect (quick and easy) Holiday upcycled newspaper/flyer craft. As I mentioned in the first post, if you’re looking for something lovely and magazine-ready, you better hit […]

DIY: Holiday newspaper craft – Take 1

Shopping flyers in conveniently festive colours for an upcycled Holiday craft

This is the first in a series of posts about how to discover the perfect Holiday newspaper craft…and fail miserably along the way. If you thought you were going to find something cute, smart and pretty here, I’m sorry that you’re about to be disappointed…unless you stick around for my future attempts which may or […]

5 {honest} tips for teaching kids about Holiday giving

DD is not sure why DS showed up...ever.

As my 2.5 year old daughter (DD) gets older, it’s really fun to watch her tear through wrapping paper when opening Holiday gifts. Doesn’t matter what’s inside really, could be a pony or a dog biscuit, she’d receive it with the same amount of shrieking and shredding. We celebrate both Hanukkah and Christmas in our […]