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I really love my drive to work and my morning ritual of puttering along country roads to my closest Starbucks drive-thru on the periphery of Waterloo – venti, dark roast, three sugars. It’s not the healthiest breakfast (fitness friends, was that a sigh of judgment?), but this is a pick-me-up as I start my day […]

On being unconditional, rather than perfect

With a recent family wedding, I started thinking about love, commitment, relationships and the optimal conditions for all of the above to not only survive, but flourish. What does a perfect relationship actually look like? Does it exist? I’m going to spare you the details of my mind-wanderings and simply say that this was a […]

Choice, context and direction

Lately, I’ve been looking back and thinking about the various transition points in my life and how I got here, along the lines of choice and context. It’s mind-bending to think about the many choices – some tiny and seemingly innocuous, some big and weighty, some that I was barely aware I was making – […]